The AirScape residential economizer supplies the home’s central air conditioner with outdoor air whenever doing so would be more efficient than conditioning recirculated indoor air, substantially reducing household cooling expenses.
The economizer's straightforward, packaged design makes installation a breeze. The unit, which fits between 24" on-center framing, is positioned over the home's central air return and "upstream" of the air handler and cooling coil. Wiring connections are made to an outdoor and indoor temperature sensor, and to the home's thermostat. The economizer can be used with any thermostat.
Compatible with all residential thermostats and condensing units.
Installs easily on 24" O/C framing; prewired with indoor and outdoor air temperature sensors, as well as a 10' power cord. Design of unit includes repositionable flanges for round 18" duct connections, a relief damper, and a 18" × 24" × 2" MERV-13 filter.
Ships in 1-2 weeks.
EC2 Economizer Brochure PDF
EC2 Economizer Installation Manual PDF